Everything About Clash Of Clans(COC) !!


Hey,guys and this  post is on Clash Of  Clans. Let's Start ....

Introduction TO COC!

Clash Of Clans is free mobile Strategy Video Game,which is developed  and published by SuperCell.Clash of Clans was first released for "iOS"  platfroms on August 2,2012 And On  October 7,2013 Clash Of Clans was  realised for android platfroms.

Clash Of Clans takes the player to bulid their own kingdom,using the  resources gained from attacking other player in the game.The main  resources in COC is gold,elixir and the dark elixir, And Players can  also join to other players to create clans, groups of upto fifty can  then partake on Clans Wars together, you can donate and receive troops  form other players and you can also talk to other players.
Many of the reviewers liked Clash Of Clanes, but some of them of disliked it because it is free.



Clash Of Clans ia an online multiplayer game, in this game the player  has to bulid his own community(in the form of Clans), train his  troops, and attack other player in the world, playing Clash Of Clans to  earn gold, elixir and dark elixir.Gold and elixir is used to build  defenses that can protect the player form other player attacks.Elixir  and Dark elixir is also used for training and upgrading troops and  Spells.This game also  have a single player camping in which the  player can attack a bunch of goblins villages and earn gold and  elixir.Clash of clans have 2 builders by default,but you can get more  builder by using the gems.Builders are very important for upgrding a  bulding or for setting up a bulding.If all of the builders are busy then  you have to wait or just free them by using gems.



To earn and store gold and elixir, players have to bulid gold mines  and gold  storages and elixir collections and elixir storages.Elixir  is used for train new troops and it is used in the laboratory to  upgrade troops, to re-load the X-Bows and to bulid and upgrade  buldings.Gold is used to bulid defensive buldings and to upgrade the  town hall, which allows to access to more bulidings and to upgrade the  buldings to higher level, And at higher levels dark elixir becomes  available dark elixir is used for traning and upgrding dark troops  and heroes, creating spells and and fuel the Inferno Tower.Inferno Tower is a defensive bulding which is only avilable at Town Hall  10.The eagle Artillery is also a defensive bilding that is only  avilable at Town Hall 11, is fueled by elixir.The Town Hall 11 also  provides access to a new hero the Grand Warden, It is the only hero  born out of elixer, to earn and store dark elixir,you have bulid a  dark elixir drills and dark elixir storages.
There are so many buldings available to the player to defend his  village inculing the cannons, mortars, bombs, teslas, traps, archer-towers, wizard towers, inferno towers and Egale Artilleries.The Player  can also bulid walls to defend his village, walls can be upgraded as  a town hall as the level increases.

Troops And Spells

troops-and-spellsClash Of Clans has two types of barracks:-first is:barracks and the  second is:dark barracks, And two kinds of spells:-first is:spell  factory and second is:dark spell factory.The barracks is used to  create troops by using elixir where the dark barracks create troops  by using dark elixir, And the spell factory also follows the same  pattern.Normal spell factory creates spell by using elixir, and the  dark factory by using the dark elixir.All of the Troops and Spells  have different properties.While, playing the game,serveral new troops  and spells get unlocked.


Aside from the gold, elixir and dark elixir, there is also another very  usefull currency which is Gems.Gems are primarily used to finsh the  time that certain process is taking.Like if you're upgrading a  bulding or anything else it take time insted of wating you can skip  the time by using gems.There are many ways from where you can get  gems like by completing the achivements, removing the obstacles such as  trees, mushrooms or from the gem box and the last way is from the  app-Purchase, And the last thing is gems are very usefull don't waste  them.

Clan Wars


Clans is the group of player who had joined together to support each  other, or in a clan group you can Donating troops or you can give advice to players to play better.The players canalso join other clans after you had rebulided  the special Clan Castle Bulding.After joinig a clan if the leader or  the co-leader start a war, and if you win a war then you will get a  star like something and also his team destruction percent also  increases. Each player is limited to do two attacks per war in a  day,and the team with the most stars at the end of the war day is  declared to be victorious. If the two clans' amount of stars are  equal,then the victorious clan is the one of has the greater percent  of destruction.In May,2016 there was a event that is called Friendly Challenges in this event the player can attack the other players.But  however, this do not provide loot or trophies and also do not affect a  player army.

So, what do you think about Clash Of Clans or if you have any doubts or queries about Clash Of Clans, let us know by the comment.